
Life update, May 2017

by - Mai 18, 2017

Hi, and welcome again.
Today I´m feeling really inspired, motivated and happy for the upcoming time so I decided to give you a little life-update. I don´t know how long the post will be and I´m pretty sure that it´s going to be kind of unorganised, so I hope you do not mind. I´m currently writing this on the balcony with the sun shining and hope to give you some positive, sunny vibes.

So what is going on currently? The weather is amazing at the moment, definitely enjoying it seeing that I barely have any more school work to do. Definitely the best time is about to start and I´m getting all the time to relax I wished for the recent months which were filled with exams, projects and so much else. I just yesterday stayed at out lokal lake for a few hours just relaxing, with 28 Celsius degrees (!!). Stay tuned for way more Instagram and Blogposts yet on the other hand I will spend a lot of my time in Cafe´s, in bed watching all the shows I still need to check out (any recommendations?) and of course outside, enjoying the weather with my friends.

Get the watch here; get the sunglasses similar

The next month(s)
Luckily I will travel a bit in the next months which I´m unbeliveably happy and grateful for. The next destinations will be Berlin in two weeks with two good friends and one week after that we are off to Dublin for five days - cannot wait to explore Berlin again and Dublin for the first time. Again, any recommendations? After that I will be flying to Mallorca (recommendations welcomed ;)) and then again to Berlin. Looking forward to some city explorings but also just a few days laying in the sun at the beach doing nothing.
Another project of mine is the Blog which turned one month a few days ago. I want to share some recipes, more outfits, all my travels and other posts on ´How to´ or even my favourite TV Shows. If you want to see anything particular let me know!

Interested in/wishing for
Yes, I will travel quite a bit this summer yet I do not get London out of my head since my trip last year. One if not my biggest wish at the moment is to visit this beautiful city again this year. Hopefully this will be possible, London has so much to offer and so many places I have not visited yet.
A few items I am having my eye on are these amazing mugs (option one, option two) and a new pair of dr. martens but therefor I still need to find the perfect one.
Regarding TV Shows (yes I watch loads) I just finished Riverdale which was super good and I´m about to finish New Girl as well. One Show that I can really suggest is "Castle" - loved the characters, story and just everything. And the good part, the show has eight seasons ;)

I hope this was interesting for you and you might got to know me better and of course will get to know me a lot better with many more posts in the future. I will try to keep you updated and will add some more categories to these kind of posts.  As always I´d be happy to receive some feedback and please let me know what you want to see more on here by commenting or just send me a Dm on Instagram.

Have an amazing time,

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